
Are you Confused in Religion?

Hello and vanakam __/\__ to all. Its been quite sometime now since i actually opened up my blog and checked it out. Thanx a lot for all the comments written. I’ll take every single thing that you guys and girls have commented previously as .. RUBBISH!!.. haha! just joking.. it amazes me that none have actually gone to the extreme to conflict or contradict my contents in the blog. I guess you guys go through what i go through then. Well, join the club then. Feel free to post controversial comments. Always welcome ;)

Religion… a very vast field of study. According to statistics, there are several main religion in this world. The most followers are the Christians [2.1 billion], followed by Islam [1.5 billion], Atheist and Freethinkers [1.1 billion] and then comes the Hindus [900 million]. Through this we all know that the current largest religion followers are the Christians, but have we noticed that the 3rd most followed religion are the freethinkers and the atheist.

Before I go further lets define the terms Atheists and Freethinkers. Atheism in simple words is not to believe in deities at all meaning there is no such thing as God and Freethinkers tend to ask questions about these religions meaning they need specific logical points to believe. No blind believing or whatsoever in their point of view.

I too on the other hand would categorize myself as freethinker but with the believe that there is a DIVINE power with no logical equation defining It. Of course I’m a Hindu by birth, but as time passes by, you tend to question these rules and regulation in religions. The 3rd largest population are the freethinkers and atheist because we want to question the guideline of the religion because there are flaws in it and because there are certain things that cannot be reached in this particular materialistic world.

So much controversy in religions, so many sub-set in main religions that people get confused which is right and which to follow. We as the sophisticated, the well-informed people in the society, will make inquiries in order to understand and to follow certain religion. Remember guys, religion is a way of life, it is there to teach us how to live life, it is a rule, not a constitution… and RULES are meant to be broken.. ;) I’m not preaching neither am I lecturing, I’m just pointing out my views and pointing them in a blog will surely preserve them.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve not mentioned any religion in particular. This is due to the fact that we live in a multi religious country and I don’t want to get into trouble as we all know now that bloggers are under severe hit in our country recently. However, allow me to give one religion as an example. Please do not get me wrong, but certain factors need to be explained in order to understand.

Hinduism.. and i choose this particular religion due to the fact that i’m one. My name is Kuhaneson which is another name for LORD MURUGA is given to me by my parents through religious ceremony. I wrote the 1st letter of my name in Tamil on a wide silver plate with rice (nellu). So, i can courageously say that my name was chosen precisely. When i was young, i went to religious classes every Sunday in an Amman Temple back in my hometown Ipoh. I also went for religious song classes ( Theivaram Classes), Sangeetham classes and for your surprise also Natyam classes. Well my dad was kindda into these cultural and religious aspects. However, nothing lasted for me though. I quit everything as i turned older. As for what I’ve learn t in these classes, there are certain factors that are contradicting to what I’ve read recently. I was thought that Lord Bramma was the ultimate utmost powerful God. The Gita however renounces it by saying Lord Krishna is the Godhead. There are also some scholars that say Lord Krishna is Lord Bramma!! Confusing?? This is due to the fact that Lord Krishna has taken 9 re-incarnation to earth to save the people. We are of course awaiting the 10th re-incarnation, but there also scholars that say the 10th re-incarnation has already taken place. You would wonder who is it right? hehe.. lemme tell you what these scholars presume to be the 10th re-incarnation of Lord Krishna. Some say it was MAHATMA GANDHI who actually practiced his own verse of religion which is Human Institution and he claimed that all religion are connected to one another. He actually tried to get rid of rituals in Hinduism. Other scholars said that the 10th Lord Krishna was Sai Baba. No comments on Sai Baba, But ah… never mind. Trouble free approach! So how about Lord Sivan? What is the hierarchy of the Hindu deities than? Who comes 1st and so on? Who to worship to get the best out of them?

When i first joined UNITEN, sorry to say i was creating havoc with my buddies. I still remember one of my seniors who was in final year that time, called me up with a philosophical book in his hand. He told me that day that one day you will suddenly realize that you have started to read books, articles and journals without knowing why you are doing it. He took himself as an example by showing me the book in his hand. I guess I’m undergoing that particular process in life. If you have undergone that metamorphosis.. than I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, if you haven’t, just wait… it will come up.


-September 11th 2007- Kuhan

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